The Optimized Land Rover Assistance call button is located in the overhead console, on the left side. See DRIVER CONTROLS.

In the event of a breakdown:

  1. Press and release the button's cover.
  2. A white LED illuminates in the button.
  3. Press the button for 3 seconds to make a direct call to the Optimized Land Rover Assistance call center.
  4. The button flashes until the call center answers the call, at which point the LED changes to yellow.
  5. The vehicle's location, owner details, and vehicle details are automatically relayed to the call center.
  6. The Optimized Land Rover Assistance call center sends roadside assistance to the vehicle's location.
  7. When the light flashes, push the button for 3 seconds to answer the call.
  8. After use, push the button's cover back into place.