RUNNING-IN [G1804713]

The vehicle is built using high-precision manufacturing methods, but the moving parts of the engine must still settle in relative to each other. The running-in process occurs mainly in the first 3 000 km of operation.

During the running-in period of 3 000 km, observe and follow the instructions below:

  1. Do not fully press the accelerator pedal.
  2. Avoid high engine speeds (rpm) until the engine has reached its full operating temperature.
  3. Avoid operating the engine in too high a gear at low engine speeds (labouring).
  4. Gradually increase engine and road speeds.
  5. Avoid extended operation at high engine speeds with abrupt stops.
  6. Avoid frequent cold starts followed by short-distance driving. Where possible, allow the engine to reach operating temperature.
  7. Longer journeys are more helpful during the running-in period.
  8. Do not participate in off-road driving, competition driving, track days, sports driving schools, or any similar events.