Never use soap, ammonia, bleach, or other cleaners intended for use on hard surfaces. Using unapproved cleaning products may damage the upholstery fabrics.


Do not use upholstery cleaner on electrical equipment such as fascia switches. Doing so may damage the electrical equipment.


Some materials and fabrics are prone to dye transfer from coloured clothing e.g., jeans, which can cause unsightly discolouration of lighter coloured materials and fabrics. Affected areas should be cleaned as soon as possible.

Most stains on fabrics can be removed if treatment is carried out immediately, before the stain has a chance to dry in. Specific products for use on interior fabrics are recommended for cleaning fabric upholstery, however, dry cleaning fluid or clean water can also be used.

To clean fabric upholstery:

  1. Wipe with a clean, soft, lint-free cloth or vacuum up the majority of the debris.
  2. Follow the instructions for the chosen upholstery cleaning product. Avoid over-wetting.
  3. If staining persists, agitate the surface with a firm sponge or soft brush containing the chosen cleaning product. Dry the surface by wiping with a clean micro-fibre cloth.

To avoid watermarks clean the entire section of fabric containing the stain.