Fault and Breakdown Workflow (G4214471)

The How to submit a TA through ‘Fault and Breakdown’ workflow in TOPIx video is available in Excellence and guides technicians step-by-step on the submission of a Technical Assistance (TA) through the ‘Fault and Breakdown’ workflow in TOPIx

For more information on workflow in TOPIx check out the links below.

(TOPIx User Guide/Workflow).

(TOPIx User Guide/Workflow).

(TOPIx User Guide/Workflow).

Refer to: FRED in Workflow
(TOPIx User Guide/Workflow).


How to Use the Repair Preview

TOPIx workflow will allow you to preview Workshop Manual (WSM) repair procedures before confirming the repair / generating an RVC.

  1. You must be a registered user, logged into TOPIx.
  2. Enter a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from the Vehicle Search Page.
  3. From the OPTION SELECTION box select Fault and Breakdown.
  4. Select Start a new workflow or resume a previous workflow from History (there maybe more than one previous workflow to resume).
  5. Complete the steps 1-3 of the workflow.
  6. When a Repair Plan is offered or Manual Root Cause selected an eye icon will display next the to repair. By hovering over the graphic you will be told if it is an RTS Graphic or WSM Repair.
  7. Select the eye icon next to the WSM repair and the preview will open in a pop-up window (also used to view RTS graphics).
  8. To close the preview select the close 'X' button in the pop-up window.

You can view a snapshot of procedure in workflow summary.

The workflow summary screen allows you to see a snapshot of the version of the repair procedure displayed to a technician during the repair state of a workflow.

The workflow must be progressed to step 6, where the procedure viewed will be captured and then displayed in the workflow summary.

The procedure will display a single link to the repair procedure. If another procedure is selected when in the WSM then the links are displayed in the order in which they are selected.


Workflow Abort Button

A TOPIx Fault and Breakdown workflow can be aborted for reasons such as incorrect information being input or a duplicate workflow being started etc.

The abort button is available from step one of the workflows and will only become disabled when an RVC has been generated or a FRED, Electronic Product Quality Report (EPQR) or TA has been raised within the workflow. At this point, the abort button will no longer be available, and the workflow will be stored in the workflow history.

This will help to minimize the number of workflows stored against a vehicle in the history view and give better visibility of the correct workflow when resuming or viewing the workflow summary screen.


The workflow history can also be toggled to hide expired workflows, again minimizing the number of workflows showing in the workflow history.


Recommend a Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) within a workflow

DTC that are relevant to a fault present on a vehicle, can be added to the test plan.

This is another method to diagnose faults, in situations where the Recommended Actions offered in the test plan do not locate the issue, yet a DTC describes the concern set.

How to recommend a Diagnostic Trouble Code within a Workflow
  1. You must be a registered user, logged into TOPIx.
  2. Enter a VIN from the TOPIx Home Page
  3. From the OPTION SELECTION box select Fault and Breakdown.
  4. Select Start a new workflow or resume a previous workflow from History (there maybe more than one previous workflow to resume).
  5. Proceed though the workflow to Step 2 Test Plan.
  6. A new icon named Investigate a DTC will be presented underneath the Recommended Actions pane which can be selected. A popup will appear listing all DTCs that are present on the vehicle.
  7. Select the DTC that is required to be added into the Test Plan. The popup will now close, and this DTC will now appear as a Recommended DTC underneath the Recommended Action pane.
  8. The Recommended DTC can now be selected, which will open a new popup displaying the DTC help text and snapshot data.
  9. The repair and diagnosis steps in the help text can then be completed and used in the technician comments box when declaring the fault found on the vehicle.
  10. Proceed with the workflow. When the workflow has been completed, the Workflow Summary will show a record of the DTC which was investigated.

For more information on how to use workflow check out the links below.

Refer to: DTC Snapshot
(TOPIx User Guide/Diagnostics).

(TOPIx User Guide/Workflow).

(TOPIx User Guide/Workflow).