Datalogger (G4224530)

The datalogger playback displays the filename of the recording being played on the screen’s header, alongside the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and the TOPIx cloud connection status.

The feature will avoid confusion when diagnostics involves reviewing multiple datalogger recordings. It allows you to keep track of which recording is being reviewed.

Key Features

  • Displays the filename of the datalogger recording being played
  • Displays the VIN

How to Use Datalogger Playback

  1. Launch the Diagnostic Device Agent (DDA) and select Login when prompted.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • a) If reviewing datalogger recordings and no vehicle is connected, select the DDA icon from the windows tool tray and select Start Datalogger.
    • b) If a vehicle is connected, wait for the connection process to complete from the Option Selection Screen select Browse All
  3. Select the Diagnostics tab at the top of the page.
  4. In the Diagnostics tab, from the Vehicle Data Screen select the Datalogger icon
  5. From the right of the datalogger screen, select Replay.
  6. From the file browser popup select your required recording. All datalogger recording files will have a json.gz file type.
  7. The recording is now on the screen with playback options.

Close Datalogger Icon

An icon is available on the datalogger main page, visible in the top right corner of the screen. When the icon is selected, datalogger will close and TOPIx Cloud Diagnostics will automatically reconnect to the vehicle.

This will make switching between the TOPIx Cloud Diagnostics and datalogger much easier and more efficient.

Assign a Custom Name to Datalogger Recordings

You can assign a customized filename to a recording captured with datalogger.

This provides a popup on screen when a datalogger recording has been taken, allowing you to enter your filename, making it easier for you to distinguish between multiple recordings.

Datalogger global search function

The Global Search function allows you to search for a Parameter ID or Parameter Description from all modules listed.

With a VIN in session, enter the value to be searched in the new search bar at the top of the datalogger module list screen.

The search function also accepts partial search terms. For example, if Pressure is searched, then all parameters that contain the word Pressure from all modules will be presented on screen for selection.

Nominal values display

The nominal values for a parameter are published and pushed to all connected machines instantly.

Where a nominal value has been published for a parameter, there will be a shaded area on the graph view for that parameter, making it easy to identify a signal that is outside of the nominal value.

How to override the set nominal value
  1. Select a parameter from the list of available parameters on the module list screen.
  2. From the right-hand pane named Action, select Signal Settings.
  3. The published nominal values for the parameter will be displayed in the Nominal Value Start text box and the Nominal Value End text box. If required, you can amend the nominal values in the text boxes.
  4. When the datalogger is started, the new values that you have entered will be used.

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) to have related datalogger signals mapped to them

This feature allows JLR engineering to map Parameter Identifiers (PIDs) to Diagnostic Trouble Codes, allowing Datalogger to be launched directly from a DTC, with the mapped PIDs pre-selected for logging.

This feature is only available from within a workflow, at Step 2 – Test plan. To use this functionality:

  1. Start a Fault and breakdown workflow.
  2. Enter the symptoms associated with customer concern in step 1.
  3. At step 2 of the workflow, navigate down to the Test Plan table and select ‘Investigate a DTC’.
  4. A list of DTC present on the vehicle will now be displayed. Select the DTC that is deemed relevant to the vehicle concern.
  5. This DTC will now be added to a new table below the Test Plan table. The DTC can be selected from this new table to view the DTC snapshot data and DTC help text.
  6. The last column in the table named Data Logger will show either a ‘Run’ button if the selected DTC has PIDs mapped against it, or text stating ‘No signals have been assigned to this DTC, if no PIDs have been mapped.