TOPIx users can choose to receive TOPIx Daily Updates within an email.
TOPIx Daily Updates provide a quick and easy way for users to see what content has been published to TOPIx on a daily basis.
Emails include hyperlinks for direct navigation to the content.
Key Features
- Subscribe to TOPIx Daily Updates from user Options
- Daily email detailing new documents that have been published
- Hyperlinks to enable direct navigation to the content.
- Emails sent to TOPIx email address and TOPIx Inbox.
How To Set-Up TOPIx Daily Updates
- You must be a registered user, logged into TOPIx
- On the TOPIx home page, select the drop down on your user name from the header bar
- Select Options
- In options scroll down to Update your preferences and tick to receive TOPIx Daily Updates
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click update