Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) TimeLine has been introduced into Step 1 of the workflow, this will allow you to view DTCs on a timeline of either mileage or date.
Key Features
- Dropdown allows you to switch between 'event' mileage and timestamps
- When selecting a DTC on the timeline the DTC will be highlighted in the DTC list
- You can zoom in / out on a particular event to change the scale so other events close to the same mileage or time can be seen
- Selecting reset zoom will return to default view
How to navigate to timeline viewer
- You must be a registered user, logged into TOPIx.
- Select
TOPIx Home Page
to open the vehicle search page.
- Enter a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Model Selection from the Vehicle Search Page.
- From the Option Selection Screen select Fault and Breakdown. Then select Diagnose a Fault.
DTC Timeline Viewer will be displayed under Network Topology.